Why are health insurance premiums rising

Why are health insurance premiums rising

When a person gets sick, he or she begins to look for a good doctor, a laboratory for the necessary tests, and encounters long lines to specialized specialists. In this case, one has to fork out considerable sums of money. Voluntary health insurance is a worthy alternative to such situations. This system allows everyone to be guaranteed to get high-quality outpatient and inpatient care at short notice. Employers are attracted by the opportunity to conclude health insurance contracts for their employees at the corporate level. Why are health insurance premiums rising?

Health insurance premiums rising

Some of the price increases in private health insurance reflect advances being made in medical technology. New treatments, new drugs, new facilities – they all come at a price, and some of that price is passed on to customers.

Is it possible to get insurance when you know you have a disease?

Employees of insurance companies often see that clients come for a policy when they already have a disease. But the principle of insurance is different: it should be unpredictable. If there is no element of randomness in the program, it is not quite insurance, and such a policy will be considerably more expensive. Insurance companies usually include a waiting period in the policy to avoid issuing the policy to a person who already requires some expensive treatment. That is, if the program includes emergency hospitalization, the policy will take effect a few days after the papers are signed. 

How it works

A contract is signed with the clinic of your choice for a year. The basic program is outpatient care, to which you can add house calls, dental care and hospitalization, if the clinic has a hospital. Usually such programs are cheaper when compared to the standard policy, which includes care at the same clinic. However, the disadvantage of such a subscription is that if you cannot have any tests or treatments at that hospital, you have to pay for them separately. The cost of the annual program varies greatly, not only depending on the types of care included, but also on the clinic. If a couple, including a child, joins the clinic, there are usually discounts for such cases. 

What risks does insurance protect against?

The policy allows its owner to maintain their health at the proper level and get out of critical situations quickly. Insurance programs include:

  • Treatment of acute illnesses and complications of chronic ones;
  • Assistance in case of industrial accidents;
  • Pregnancy care.

Additional options can include disease prevention (medical examinations, physiotherapy, vaccinations, etc.), certain types of dental care, compensation for the cost of medicines.

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